Tables in Dreamweaver CS4

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Another way of designing layouts in Dreamweaver CS4 is by using tables. We will use this method to create the submenu area within the template.
  • Open template.dwt
  • Delete ‘Content for id “submenu” Goes Here’ from the ‘submenu’ div
  • With the cursor still within the ‘submenu’ div insert a table [Insert > Table] with 3 Rows, 1 Column, Width of 201 pixels, border thickness – 0,  Cell padding – 0 and Cell Spacing -0. Click OK.Tables in Dreamweaver CS4
  • You will see a table appear in the ‘submenu’ div.
  • Select the table [Right click within the table > Select Table] and align it ‘Center’ in the ‘Properties’ Panel.
  • Click within the top row of the table and insert the image ‘submenu-top-bg.jpg’
  • Click within the bottom row of the table and insert the image ‘submenu-btm-bg.jpg’
To give the background image to the middle:
  • Click within the middle row
  • From the Properties panel, select <New CSS Rule> and click the ‘Edit Rule’ button
  • Create a ‘class’ style called ‘.sub-bg’ within ‘styles.css’
    Tables in Dreamweaver CS4
  • In the ‘CSS Rule Definition’ screen choose ‘submenu-bg.jpg’ as the background image and select ‘repeat-y’ from the ‘Background-repeat’ options.
    Tables in Dreamweaver CS4
  • We also don’t want the submenu text within the middle row to stick to the edges so let’s give a padding of 10 pixels within the same style. Click OK.
    Tables in Dreamweaver CS4
  • Type in the submenu items
    Tables in Dreamweaver CS4
  • You can create new pages and create links to them from this submenu area or you can but textual content that will display on all the pages here.
  • Save the template and update all the pages.
  • Preview your pages in the browser and test all the links.

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